
Monuments, Snowglobes & Red Team

July 2024

Spawn SMP Regular Generation Edgar Allan Bro Snowglobe Red Team

This server is our longest running world to-date. It was up for 954 days, that's nearly 3 years, and the world storage size is nearly the same as all the previous servers combined. Predictably, there are a ploethra of things to talk about so let's get started.

We're going to begin at spawn, Nickleback Tower loomed dominated the skyline. Created by Angus in the early days of the server, before spawn became more established. Then David built a chicken farm into the mountain, along with a staircase to bring players down from the spawn platform on the side of the hill. David also laid down a road to encourage development in the area. A monumnet to Edgar Allan Bro was constructed opposite the spawn platform so that he could be memorialized in all his glory. It's what he would have wanted. Then, as spawn developed, the Suplex Duplex emerged, along with a cactus farm, sugar cane farm and a super smelter. A museum was in the works but the project never made it to completion.

I cannot forget to mention the second namesake of the server, the Christmas Snowglobe constructed by Matt. The main feature is a drained Ocean Monumnet, and by adding a little Christmas flair it turned into a must-see attraction on the server. Other attractions include the Sakura Sanctuary, an attempt to bring a Cherry Forest Biome to spawn, since that update came out long after the server started. We also got up to some shenanigans, notably the Compost Bin Hot Tub, where we managed to cram many players into a composter.

Finally, Red Team (at the time of writing the page is still a work in progress) emerged in full force. They constructed a multi-layer base filled with farms, wonders, and beautiful builds. Speaking of bases, Matt had a luxurious base inside a Lush Ravine, where Gimothy was born, and where he faced a tragic and premature death. David created yet another base in a field, Field 3, featuring a storage mansion, a functional village and a chicken farm. There are so many bases and cool things to see on the server, so please check out the map and wiki, and while you're at it why not contribute to the wiki too!

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