
TNTable Community

This is The Nerd Table

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  • Server Archive
TNTable Wiki Server Map
Monument built in Minecraft to Edgar Allan Bro


The Nerd Table began in 2011 while working on a school project in Minecraft together.

Brief History

It all started with a school project. We built a set for a social studies short film project on a Minecraft server. We were proud of the video, and it was well-received by our teacher, so we continued to use Minecraft for projects. Michael (88were) dubbed the group “The Nerd Table” or TNTable for short.

In 2012, we got an old Compaq desktop and were able to host our first 24/7 server. Now, we have multiple servers running on a custom-built machine. However, vanilla SMP has always been a constant throughout the years.

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Latest News & Posts

The Nerd Table Gazette: Week Four

Expanding new horizons, defeating great giants, and the building up and tearing down of farms. It's time for our weekly recap of TNTable! T...

Sep 2024

Server Archive

The Team


The best way to contact us is to reach out on Discord or via whisper in the server. If all else fails feel free to email us.


The TNTable Discord Server has a contact-a-mod chat. Drop us a message there saying you need some help and one of us will reach out and DM you. You can also reach out in private by finding us in the sidebar and messaging us there.


There is also an email monitored by David. Any queries will be shared with relevant admins.

Email us